Passion fruit-Banana powder

Supplier location : Germany

Type of Product / CAS Number / Additional designation

FD - Crunchy Maracuja-Banane-Pulver 0-1 mm

Genetic Type

Quantity Available

10.0 KG

Purchase Options

Delivery or pickup

Quantity per Trade Item

10.0 KG

Trade Unit


Country of Origin



Minimum Order Quantity

10.0 KG

Price per trading unit

Please log in to see the price

Best Before


Certificates of supplier

Pallet amount
Pallet types
Packaging units
Freeze dried
Granule Size
0.0 - 1.0 mm

Verkehrsbezeichnung Trade Description Gefriergetrocknetes Granulat, Kennzeichnung der Zutaten entsprechend Zutatenverzeichnis Freeze dried granules, lableing of ingredients according to list of ingredients Frischfrucht Äquivalent Fresh Fruit Equivalent Ca. 2,3-3,3 kg frischen Maracujasaft pro kg FD-Produkt Ca. 2,3-3,3 kg fresh passionfruit juice per kg FD-product Ca. 1,4-2,4 kg frische Bananen pro kg FD-Produkt Ca. 2,3-3,3 kg fresh banana per kg FD-product Ursprungsland Country of Origin Maracujasaftkonzentrat/ passionfruit concentrate: Peru, Vietnam/ Peru, Vietnam Bananenpüree/ banana puree: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala/ Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala -weitere Ursprünge zukünftig nicht ausgeschlossen- -additional origins are possible- Zutat / Ingredients % Rohstoffbasis/ Raw Material Base Maracujasaftkonzentrat/ passionfruit juice concentrate 45-55 Maracuja/ passionfruit Bananenpüree/ banana puree 45-55 Banane/ banana

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