E901 Cera de abejas blanca y amarilla
Ubicación del proveedor : España Tipo de producto / Número CAS / Designación adicional |
Beeswax crude unrefined 6-12kg block |
Tipo genético |
Cantidad disponible |
KG/litro |
Opciones de referencia |
Cantidad por unidad de embalaje |
6.0 KG/litro |
Unidad de negocio |
kg |
País de origen |
Nueva Zelanda |
Incoterms |
Cantidad mínima de pedido |
500.0 KG/litro |
Precio por unidad de comercio |
Certificados corporativos |
Beeswax is known for its anti-inflammatoryproperties which encourages wound healing andskin regeneration. Studies show that the highVit amin A content in beeswax supports health andcell reconstruction. Furthermore, the anti-bacterialproperties and natural active enzymes of beeswaxcan form a healthy protective barrier between theskin and the environment without the stress ofclogging pores. Widely used in cosmetics, balms, creams andointments, food wraps, and even the humble candleor polish New Zealand Bees wax is renowned for its low levelof chemical contamination, due to the farmingsystems used in NZ agriculture and also NewZealand beehives. Bulk Beeswax Specifications Available in crude unrefined format, 6-12kg blocks.All our beeswax is made from beeswax cappingsthat have been rendered at low temperatures. Minimum order quantity 500kgs
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