E412 Goma de guar

Ubicación del proveedor : Macedonia

Tipo de producto / Número CAS / Designación adicional


Tipo genético


Cantidad disponible

6000.0 KG/litro

Opciones de referencia


Cantidad por unidad de embalaje

25.0 KG/litro

Unidad de negocio


País de origen




Cantidad mínima de pedido

1000.0 KG/litro

Precio por unidad de comercio

Por favor, inicie sesión para ver el precio.



Certificados corporativos

Unidades de embalaje

White to light yellowish.Free flowing powder.Close to odorless.Form viscous liquid after dispersing in hot or cold water. The viscosity of 1% aqueous solution is about 4~5Pa which is the highest viscosity in natural rubber. After adding small amount of sodium tetraborate it changes to gel. After dispersing in cold water for about 2h it shows strong viscosity and the viscosity gradually increases reached the highest point after 24h.Its viscosity is 5 to 8 times than that of starch and quickly reaches the highest point under heat.The aqueous solution is neutral.The viscosity is highest with pH between 6 and 8 and substantially decreases when pH is above10. And viscosity decreases sharply along with pH value dropping when pH value is 6.0 to 3.5. The viscosity below 3.5 increases again. Uses Food grade:frozen food:stop ice dreg from forming and increase the frozen stability.Baking food: keep the humidity and improve the texture. Drink:improve taste and stabilize particle suspension. Salad dressing: thickener, alternative oil. Cheese and cream: improve the texture.Cooked meat food: maintain water, increase oily slippery feeling. Vegetarian food: alternative fat ingredients,keep moisture. Pet goods: increase oily slippery feeling and keep the humidity. Industrial grade: oil well fracturing and other drilling industry. Carpets, spin printing and dyeing,leather chemical industry. Building materials, cement, paint, tiles.Paper industry, pharmaceutical industry. Shampoo, detergent, skin care products, cosmetics. Viscera. Latex paint, exterior latex paint.

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