E1200 Polidextosa
Ubicación del proveedor : Hungría Tipo de producto / Número CAS / Designación adicional |
Food additive |
Tipo genético |
Cantidad disponible |
KG/litro |
Opciones de referencia |
Recogida |
Cantidad por unidad de embalaje |
25.0 KG/litro |
Unidad de negocio |
kg |
País de origen |
China |
Incoterms |
Cantidad mínima de pedido |
200.0 KG/litro |
Precio por unidad de comercio |
Certificados corporativos |
Polydextrose is commonly used as a replacement for sugar, starch, and fat in commercial beverages, cakes, candies, dessert mixes, breakfast cereals, gelatins, frozen desserts, puddings, and salad dressings. Polydextrose is frequently used as an ingredient in low-carb, sugar-free, and diabetic cooking recipes. It is also used as a humectant, stabiliser, and thickening agent. Polydextrose is a form of soluble fiber and has shown healthful prebiotic benefits when tested in animals. It contains only 1 kcal per gram and, therefore, is able to help reduce calories. However, polydextrose is not universally well tolerated. Doses as low as 10 g cause significantly more intestinal gas and flatulence than fermentation resistant psyllium.
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