E967 Xilitol
Ubicación del proveedor : Bulgaria Tipo de producto / Número CAS / Designación adicional |
Xylitol powder |
Tipo genético |
Cantidad disponible |
KG/litro |
Opciones de referencia |
Recogida |
Cantidad por unidad de embalaje |
10.0 KG/litro |
Unidad de negocio |
kg |
País de origen |
China |
Incoterms |
Cantidad mínima de pedido |
25.0 KG/litro |
Precio por unidad de comercio |
Por favor, inicie sesión para ver el precio. |
Certificados corporativos |
Fino |
Sofisticado |
Xylitol is pesticide and gluten free, act as an alternative to sugar and used in chewing gum or confectionary. Available in powder or crystalline form and in DC version. Xylitol is used as a food additive and sugar substitute. Its European Union code number is E967. Replacing sugar with xylitol in food products may promote better dental health, but evidence is lacking on whether xylitol itself prevents dental cavities. Xylitol is a naturally occurring five-carbon sugar alcohol found in most plant material, including many fruits and vegetables. Xylitol-rich plant materials include birch and beechwood. It is widely used as a sugar substitute and in "sugar-free" food products. The effects of xylitol on dental caries have been widely studied, and xylitol is added to some chewing gums and other oral care products to prevent tooth decay and dry mouth. We can offer xylitol in any quantities for your products. Send us request and we will offer you the best price on market.
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