Levadura forrajera

Ubicación del proveedor : Ucrania

Tipo de producto / Número CAS / Designación adicional

Fodder Yeast (After-alcohol) 40% protein

Tipo genético


Cantidad disponible

100000.0 KG/litro

Opciones de referencia


Cantidad por unidad de embalaje

100000.0 KG/litro

Unidad de negocio


País de origen




Cantidad mínima de pedido

10000.0 KG/litro

Precio por unidad de comercio

Por favor, inicie sesión para ver el precio.


Certificados corporativos

Contenido de humedad
Contenido de proteínas
40.0 - 100.0 %
Contenido de grasa
3.0 - 100.0 %

After-alcohol Fodder Yeast - Is an effective, environmentally friendly feed additive, consisting mainly of protein, which is using for feeding the livestock and poultry. Fodder yeast is the most valuable protein additive that allows you to achieve excellent results in the fattening of cattle, pigs, birds, fur animals and fish. It is included in compound feed, premixes and feed mixtures, which allows to significantly increase weight gain while saving feed and preserving the health of animals. Feed yeast is a by-product of alcohol and the fermentation industry. It is obtained by reproduction of yeast’s fungi on different substrates. Color is light yellow to light gray, odor is characteristic for yeast.

Documentación del producto

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